Thursday, 5 July 2012

Getting The Most Out Of Dad's Taxes

This week has been mainly full of screams, poos and sniffles. My paws have been sucked in comfort so much, Sophie la Girafe is having to scribe on my behalf for this post - which in itself says how much my paw pads are aching, as typing with hooves is no mean feet!

Off for a lie down in a darkened room, a foot bath and a whole bar of Dairy Milk as still not quite recovered from the late night at A & E due to Mam's conviction that Mu had a serious and significant unknown illness mid week - 3 hours and a shot of Calpol later, doctors confirmed a soar throat.

Still, was worth it for moment Mam realised, in her hurry to get dressed to go to the hospital, she'd forgotten to put any pants on...

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